The new online consultation option is now available! SystmConnect has now replaced e-Consult.
You can access SystmConnect via your SystmOnline account if you have one.
You do NOT have to have a Systmonline account to access SystmConnect - just click on the 'SystmConnect' link which is next to the SystmOnline link below.
PLEASE read our article on the News page which gives some further details on the new option.

The Multidisciplinary team (MDT) at Westbury Group Practice was founded, in its current form, in 2019.

It is well known that multidisciplinary teams enable health and social care practitioners to collaborate and work more efficiently to improve patient care and thus patient outcomes.

Our MDT meets weekly, giving staff the opportunity to discuss patient care with the wider team and obtain advice from other experts

The MDT Team

Our team consists of:

  • Rachel Walters – Team Leader and Older Person’s and Adult Safeguarding Nurse
  • Molly Feltham – Living Well Nurse
  • Rachel Saunderson – Clinical Care-Coordinator
  • Social Prescriber – Maria Clark
  • GP
  • Luis Requetim – Practice Pharmacist
  • James Hubbart – Practice Paramedic
  • Francoise Eden-Hamilton – Advanced Nurse Practitioner
  • Nadine Flack – Dorothy House Specialist Nurse
  • Westbury and Warminster Community teams – Community nurse, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and rapid response
  • We also have access to other specialists such as Consultant Geriatrician, Older persons mental health services, Community Respiratory Services and Adult Social Care

Any member of the MDT or wider practice team can ask for a patient to be discussed at the meeting. If your healthcare professional has told you they will discuss your care plan at the MDT they will let you know what the outcome is and whether there are any alternative care plans you may wish to consider.

Working in this way allows the GP to have an overview of your care and input as required. If the GP feels they need to speak to you or visit this will be arranged.

Future Planning

An important part of our care is preparing patients for the possibility that a time in their life may come when they may become seriously ill or disabled. We support people to record their preferences and wishes for future care and treatment in case they are unable to make theses decisions for themselves. We do this through the ReSPECT process – Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment.


The ReSPECT process creates personalised recommendations for a person’s clinical care and treatment in a future emergency in which they are unable to make or express choices.

These recommendations are created through conversations between a person, their families, and their health and care professionals to understand what matters to them and what is realistic in terms of their care and treatment.

Patient preferences and clinical recommendations are recorded on a non-legally binding form which can be reviewed and adapted if circumstances change.

The ReSPECT process can be for anyone but will have increasing relevance for people who have complex health needs, people who are likely to be nearing the end of their lives, and people who are at risk of sudden deterioration or cardiac arrest. Some people will want to record their care and treatment preferences for other reasons.

More information about the ReSPECT process can be found via ReSPECT | Resuscitation Council UK.

If you would like to have a discussion with one of our team about completing a ReSPECT document please ask for an appointment with a GP or one of the Older Person’s nurses.

Useful Teams and Organisations

There are many Teams and Organisations within our community that are there to help, their contact details can be found on our useful contacts page.