The new online consultation option is now available! SystmConnect has now replaced e-Consult.
You can access SystmConnect via your SystmOnline account if you have one.
You do NOT have to have a Systmonline account to access SystmConnect - just click on the 'SystmConnect' link which is next to the SystmOnline link below.
PLEASE read our article on the News page which gives some further details on the new option.

Details completed on this form will be sent to our Social Prescribing Team, who will then get in contact with the named patient.

Social Prescriber Referral Form

Patient Details

1.) Patient Name
1.) Patient Name
First Name
Last Name
3.) Address
3.) Address
Post Code
Please confirm email address
6a.) Reason for referral
7a.) Do you have caring responsibilities?
8a.) Do you have any additional needs?

Details of Referrer

9.) Referring organisation type

Patient Consent

I consent to this information being added to my summary care record.

  • I understand that Westbury Group Practice will use my details and contact me by phone, email or post to discuss this referral further.
  • I understand that all personal information shall be treated as confidential and will only be shared with 3rd parties for the purposes of the provision of appropriate services.
  • Type your full name to provide your consent.

    If you are completeting this on behalf of somebody else

    10a.) Are you completing this referral on behalf of somebody else?
    10b.) Full name
    10b.) Full name
    First Name
    Last Name
    Type your full name to sign on behalf of the named patient above