South West Advocacy Network

What is a Living Well Plan?

A Living Well Plan is a document which the client owns, and can choose to share with their family, carers and professionals involved in their care.

It documents their important memories, achievements and current situation so that anyone reading the plan can get a real understanding of who the person is.

It also addresses how they feel about their life, and whether they have any wishes for the future. It contains factual information about their current situation, such as diagnoses, medication, and services that may be involved.

Person Led

Whilst we work sensitively with families and carers, and can take referrals from agencies working with someone, the plan captures the client’s views and voice only.


Living Well Advocates work with individuals over a number of visits (usually) in the client’s own home to build strong, trusting relationships.

To find out more about this free and independent service, available across Wiltshire contact us on 0333 344 7928 or email

Wiltshire Flyer ED 2021 | Wiltshire Flyer AB 2021